M. I. Y. (Make It Yourself) - Hanging Bird


It’s M.I.Y. time and this one’s a really quick one, but still super satisfying just the same. Minimal tools, minimal materials, minimal time. Just the project if you’re twiddling your fingers over the long Easter weekend. So let’s get making!


Leather scrap, approximately 2cm (3/4”) x 25cm (10”)

Sharp craft knife, cutting mat & metal ruler
1p piece (or similar currency or metal washer roughly 20mm in diameter)
Pencil or thin permanent marker
2 or 3mm hole punch (optional)


Step 1:
With a sharp knife and a metal ruler cut a strip of leather 2cm (3/4”) wide by about 25cm (10”) long. You can go longer and wider if you want a bigger bird or smaller for a more dainty one.


Step 2:
On one end of the leather strip draw the head of the bird. Use the 1p as a guide, drawing around 3/4 of a semi-circle and leaving a gap at the bottom for the beak. Mark a small line perpendicular to the semi circle to meet the edge of the leather and you have a beak. Try a few lines out for the beak to see what works - I had a blue tit in mind when drawing mine.


Step 3:
Us the 1p as a guide and cut out the head and beak with the sharp knife. Go steady and careful on this bit, repeated cuts with a light hand are better than trying to cut through the leather all in one go. And don’t forget to stop short of the edge for the beak.


Step 4:
With the head and beak cut out, either use a marker pen to draw an eye, or as I have one handy I’ve used a 2.5mm hole punch to punch out a hole for the eye.


Step 5:
On the opposite end of the leather mark a line across the strap approximately 4cm (1.5”) in from the end.


Step 6:
With the knife and ruler make multiple cuts along the length of the leather strip, cutting from the 4cm line down to the end of the leather. I’ve made my cut lines by eye (they don’t need to be perfect) and they’re spaced about 2mm apart. If you find it easier, mark them out first with a pencil and ruler.


Step 7:
Now for the fun bit - we’re going to tie our bird in a knot.

Lay the leather strip over the palm of your right hand with the head facing to the right. Cradle the tail end in your left hand and letting go of your right hand, let the head end flop downwards. With your right hand roll the head end underneath itself, rolling it around towards you as you go until it crosses itself just above the tail (see second photo).


Step 8:
Now continue to roll the head end over and though the loop you’ve created. You don’t need to pull it tight to begin with. Once the head is through the loop, adjust the knot so the head and tail are sticking out each end evenly. Now pull it as tight as you want the bird to look. Pull gently for a rounded Robin like belly or tighter for a Wagtail.

Flip it over, and we have our bird. Fan out the tail cuts a bit to give the tail a bit more shape.


Step 9.
Finally cut a length of string, as long or short as you fancy, and tie it around the leather loop that makes the body of the bird. Hang it somewhere nice, grab a cup of tea and admire your crafty handiwork. Or go make another and create a small flock!
