We've joined the Waremakers family

We are very particular about where we sell our goods - a few collaborations with like-minded folk and brands, the very occasional hand-made fair, and we have finally made a decision not to sell wholesale. We want to make sure we stick to our values and philosophies, and part of that is to only work with businesses that have a similar ethos. So that being said, when Waremakers got in touch with us to see if we would like to sell our goods on their online marketplace, they seemed like a perfect fit. If you haven't heard of Waremakers, they are an online hub for high quality, understated goods that are handmade and beautiful to look at. They have some pretty great brands on their website so they are well worth a visit. 
Also, as part of our joining them, we did a little interview for them so if you have a spare 5 minutes and fancy a read, you can find the article here